SE Factory Tour: Surabaya, Indonesia
Posted Jul 23, 2019
Looks good, feels good, sounds good. These are the principles we live by as guitar builders - and whether we're making guitars in our Maryland headquarters, or 9,500 miles away in our SE factory, the work ethic remains.
2019 is an exciting year for our SE family of instruments as we have expanded into a dedicated facility in Surabaya, Indonesia where employees are focused on building only SE instruments to our exacting specifications.
As part of our excitement for this milestone, we have worked to put together an in-depth factory tour of the new facility narrated by our own Jack Higginbotham.

Jack started at PRS as an entry level employee in 1985, the year Paul Reed Smith founded PRS guitars. Over his tenure as a PRS employee, Jack has had a wide range of responsibilities throughout the business, always supporting Paul's vision of no-compromise guitar making.
Today, Jack serves as our Chief Operating Officer. Part of his job involves traveling to Indonesia, working closely with our factory there, and continuing to uphold our quality standards.
In the video below, we invite you to step behind the scenes of our SE factory in Surabaya, Indonesia for a factory tour.